+39 0472 273 300

Il nostro successo

Il nostro successo

Con i suoi esperti di energia tecno.energy offre un pacchetto di servizi completo per impianti di energia rinnovabile di tutte le dimensioni. La nostra esperienza cresce con ogni singolo progetto, quindi potete fidarvi di noi come partner forte in tutte le fasi del progetto.

Siamo orgogliosi dei clienti con cui abbiamo avuto il privilegio di lavorare nel corso degli anni. Questo è indice della nostra capacità di rendimento, del nostro continuo sviluppo e del nostro approccio di partnership. Di seguito un estratto del nostro Portfolio clienti.

Il portfolio di referenze di tecno.energy è ampio. Distribuzione sostenibile, stoccaggio e utilizzo dell'energia.

I nostri principali clienti sono:
Investitori, fondi, aziende, produttori di energia


Total installed capacity 307.00 kWp
Specific annual yield 1.496 kWh/kWp
Forecasted energy production 459.000 kWh
Grid connection 31/08/2011
PV-panels (type+amount) Solarwatt M250-60 GET AK (245W) Mono x  1256
Inverters (type and amount) SolarMax 300TS x 1
EPC-Contractor Obrist
O&M-Contractor BayWa R.E.
Coordinates Ispica (RG) N: 36.760019; E:14.888942


Section I

Total installed capacity 361.62 kWp
Specific annual yield 1.496 kWh/kWp
Forecasted energy production 541.000 kWh
Grid connection 25/08/2012
PV-panels (type+amount) Solarwatt Mono Easy-in (245W) x 1476
Inverters (type and amount) SolarMax 15MT x 24
EPC-Contractor Obrist
O&M-Contractor BayWa R.E.
Coordinates Ispica (RG) N: 36.760019; E:14.888942


Section II

Total installed capacity 583.10 kWp
Specific annual yield 1.321 kWh/kWp
Forecasted energy production 770.000 kWh
Grid connection 05/07/2013
PV-panels (type+amount) Solarwatt Poly Easy-In (245W) x 2380
Inverters (type and amount) Solarmax 15MT x 36
EPC-Contractor Obrist
O&M-Contractor BayWa R.E.
Coordinates Pachino (SR) N: 36.73145, E: 15.04073


Total installed capacity 921.60 kWp
Specific annual yield 1.443 kWh/kWp
Forecasted energy production 1.330.000 kWh
Grid connection 29/11/2011
PV-panels (type+amount) Solarwatt Mono M220-60 GET AK (240W) x 3840
Inverters (type and amount) SolarMax 300TS x 3
EPC-Contractor Obrist
O&M-Contractor Obrist
Coordinates Minervino Murge (BAT) N: 41.084082, E:16.065069


Total installed capacity 998.40 kWp
Specific annual yield 1.427 kWh/kWp
Forecasted energy production 1.425.000 kWh
Grid connection 22/05/2012
PV-panels (type+amount) Solarwatt P210-60 GET AK (240W) x 4160
Inverters (type and amount) SolarMax 330TS-SV x 3
EPC-Contractor Obrist
O&M-Contractor Obrist
Coordinates Ginosa (TA) N:40,555711; E:16,708961


Total installed capacity 673.92 kWp
Specific annual yield 1.254 kWh/kWp
Forecasted energy production 845.100 kWh
Grid connection 10/06/2011
PV-panels (type+amount) Sovello (195W) x 3456
Inverters (type and amount) Voltwerk x 6
EPC-Contractor Soventix
O&M-Contractor BayWa R.E.
Coordinates Benevento (BN) 41°08'34.1"N 14°49'11.1"E


Section I

Total installed capacity 67.47 kWp
Specific annual yield 1.254 kWh/kWp
Forecasted energy production 84.600 kWh
Grid connection 10/06/2011
PV-panels (type+amount) Sovello (195W) x 346
Inverters (type and amount) Refusol (2x20 + 2x13) x 4
EPC-Contractor Soventix
O&M-Contractor BayWa R.E.
Coordinates Benevento (BN) 41°08'34.1"N 14°49'11.1"E


Section II

Total installed capacity 615.12 kWp
Specific annual yield 975 kWh/kWp
Forecasted energy production 600.000 kWh
Grid connection 22/08/2012
PV-panels (type+amount) Canadian Solar (240W) x 2563
Inverters (type and amount) Power One – Central 330 TL – IT x 2
EPC-Contractor Asterixus
O&M-Contractor BayWa R.E.
Coordinates Albaro (VR) N:45.342932; E:11.187151


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