+39 0472 273 300

Erfahrung und Innovation

Tecno: Innovation

With Energy Experts, tecno.energy offers a full-service concept for renewable energy plants in all performance sizes. In addition to its own portfolio of more than 7 MWp, numerous projects and plants of customers such as private plant owners or investment funds, with over 30 MWp, are managed.
From our unique history, we have developed a deeply rooted attitude towards the environment that is characterised by great respect and a sense of responsibility.

This is our basis and our drive to use the connection between people and nature lucratively for both sides. In us you will find a long-term partner with vision and foresight. It is our declared goal to produce 100% of our energy consumption from renewable sources in the future. Therefore, we make renewable energies accessible and economically attractive for you and for everyone.

Eugen Psaier - Founder


We think energy

A 100 % sustainable result - that is our claim!
We offer you various options: from photovoltaics to energy management systems - we are your partner when it comes to the sustainable energy supply of your company.

– Project development and cooperation
– Surface lease
– Pv-Investment
– Renewable energies

Do you want to calculate your company's sustainability performance for free? Sign up on the site: www.openes.io/it Find out how to improve them with psaier.energies services!

We think

CO2 SAVED IN THE YEAR (DATA FROM Ministero ambiente italia)

0 kg-CO2
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